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Analyse your Photo / Image for Privacy / Tracking / Steganography / Copyright Issues

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Your photo / image not only contains picture information but also metadata and/or steganography which may expose private information such as the location where the photo was taken, when the photo was taken, the type of camera used along with the hardware unique identifier, authoring details, embedded thumbnails and other content. Such information may be used for tracking you or forensic purposes.

Select your photos / images and videos to analyse for privacy and copyright issues and view the results. We do not store photos / images or videos and content is removed when your session has ended.

Setting up the Uploader
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We have tested with photos from 3322 different Camera Models / Mobiles and still counting…

camera / mobile photos from popular manufacturers and brands — see full list

Smartron LogoPanasonic LogoSafaricom LogoFUJI LogoSony Ericsson LogoHMD LogoWalton LogoSHARP LogoWileyfox LogoLGE Logo

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