snapWONDERS RELEASED with an Improved File Uploader

At snapWONDERS we are pleased to announce that the snapWONDERS website has been updated with an improved File Uploader. One of our goals is to make the "File Uploading" process even more easier to use. This improvement was a result from the numerous feedback and suggestions we received - Thanks for the feedback everyone! :)
Features offered:
- Drag and Drop (media contents and links)
- Upload media directly by selecting files (from the usual "select file" method)
- Upload media directly from your Device
- Upload media directly from your Camera
- Upload media directly from URL Links
- Upload media directly from Screencast (Screencast is just screenshots)
This will work on both the Clearnet and Deep Web providing that JavaScript has been enabled.
We are currently working on the next round of improvements to integrate with File Hosting services and Social Media platforms. Stay tuned for more next on the next round of updates.