snapWONDERS 500th Milestone Reached!

"YAY – Together We DID it! 500th Milestone Reached " – Kenneth Springer : snapWONDERS Founder
I want to thank everyone for helping us reach our goal to test snapWONDERS on 500 different camera models and mobiles. We really could not have done it without your help!
Below shows the screenshot on the current cameras and mobiles that we had tested on when we reached the 500th milestone. I can't deny that I am extremely excited!
So, what is next? Like everything else we do in life, when you reach a milestone you immediately set the next. And why not? Looking at the different types of cameras and mobiles available for sale online it quickly becomes apparent that there must be more than 1000 different types of devices available that supports taking photos and/or videos.
I wonder how long it will take to reach the 1,000 milestone? One thing I am certain about is that with your help it will hopefully be soon...