Web iconSSL Lock icon / Tor Logo / I2P Logo — Browsing Safely ( read more )

Browsing Safely - We care about your Privacy!

At snapWONDERS we care about your privacy and that you browse the web safely. We are now pleased to announce that you you can browse the snapWONDERS website using Tor and / or Tails.

The Tor (The onion ring) project was created to enable users to surf the web and "protect yourself against tracking, surveillance, and censorship". The Tor creators have a mission statement that states: "We believe everyone should be able to explore the internet with privacy. We are the Tor Project, a 501(c)3 US nonprofit. We advance human rights and defend your privacy online through free software and open networks ".

Tails is a portable operating system that protects against surveillance, censorship, advertising, and viruses. Tails uses the Tor network and comes with the Tor browser installed.

Official snapWONDERS v3 Onion URL

snapWONDERS provides a hidden onion service at:


This is the official snapWonders v3 onion website link. Make sure the onion URL matches to this link to ensure you are not visiting imposter or cloned websites for snapWONDERS.

You can learn more by clicking the link ( Browsing Safely )